Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to questions you may be wondering.

Where are you located?

Life Church is located at 428 Lafayette Rd. in Clarksville, TN. The parking lot is handicapped accessible and so is the entrance.

What services do you offer?

We currently offer Sunday School classes (called LIFE Groups) for adults, teens, youth, and infants/toddlers every Sunday at 9 AM, a morning worship service each Sunday at 10:30 AM, as well as an all-ages Bible study each Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. Down the line, we are looking to expand our outreach to include other ministries (women's, men's, and youth-specific).

Where should I enter?

The white double doors under the steeple lead into the sanctuary where we hold our Sunday Morning services. Our evening Bible studies are in the Fellowship Hall, which can be accessed by taking the stairs or ramp up to the white single-door entrance on the porch. Both entrances are handicapped accessible.

What should I wear?

Come as you are. Our doors are open to everyone, regardless of what's worn. You can typically find Pastor Greg in slacks and a polo. It's common to see jeans, button-downs, polos, dresses, slacks, t-shirts, blouses, sneakers, flats, boots, and sandals. Essentially - there's usually a good bit of casualwear mixed in with some more traditional attire in our congregation.

Do you offer childcare?

We currently do not offer supervised childwatch, but we do have a nursery available for use. It is equipped with two cribs, a pack-n-play, a highchair, a changing station, a baby play gate, and several toys and books. Feel free to take your little ones in there to play, nurse, or nap. Down the line we would like to extend our ministries into this area by offering supervised care during our morning services.

Do you offer any youth programs?

We currently offer LIFE Group classes for infants/toddlers, youth (elementary-middle school), and teens every Sunday at 9 AM. This is a chance for your kids to learn in a focused, small-group setting and explore the Bible at an age-appropriate level. Our curriculum is always centered around the same topics being discussed in our adult LIFE Group study so you can converse with your children after church about what was taught or learned each week. Our morning Worship service is open to all ages, and although we do not offer any youth/childcare programs during this time, we do have several quiet activities available for young children in our Children's Worship Bags located on a coatrack in the back of the sanctuary near the sound booth. Adults and children alike are also welcome to take a notebook off the back table to use for note-taking or drawing/coloring.

Are there any opportunities for volunteering? How can I get involved?

There are always opportunities to get involved. Our church is small and in constant need of volunteers. Whether you're interested in youth ministry, the worship team, sound booth coordination, or just helping out as needed, we would love to put your God-given talents to use. Check out our Volunteer page for more information!

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